<!--- Subject: "Popup that you can close" - Copyright 2012 by www.fmcodes.com. All Rights Reserved. Use and/or modification of this script is allowed, provided this entire copyright notice remains in the original or modified code. Distribution is not allowed without written consent from FMCodes---><div id="alert_center" align="center" style="display: block; "><ul id="alert"><li>Servici active Home11
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<!--- Subject: "Popup that you can close" - Copyright 2012 by www.fmcodes.com. All Rights Reserved. Use and/or modification of this script is allowed, provided this entire copyright notice remains in the original or modified code. Distribution is not allowed without written consent from FMCodes---><div id="alert_center" align="center" style="display: block; "><ul id="alert"><li>Servici active Home11
Salut, Vizitator Servici active 4458674
Bine ai venit pe Webb-Tags
Va rugam sa va faceti un cont pentru a deveni un membru
Daca aveti activitate si posturi ve-ti fi promovat la membru staff!
Multumesc pentru intelegere.
Cu stima echipa Webb-Tags </li></ul><img id="inchide_alert" align="right" onclick="$('#alert_center').hide('slow');" src="https://i.servimg.com/u/f82/11/72/12/47/button12.png"></div>

Data/ora curentă este: Dum Apr 28, 2024 12:54 pm

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